Fabián Pérez Gutiérrez
At the moment I work at the direction of the company. I consider myself as innate entrepreneur with a focused vision to interdisciplinarity, I constantly contribute to a hibrid profile in search of a real impact for the population, I firmly believe in constant updating but focused in getting tangible results.
Andrés Víquez Víquez
I work in the direction of the company, I distinguish myself for being an entrepreneur, self-taught, creative and innovative. I firmly believe in the use of information technologies as way to improve the quality of life and the development of cities. I enjoy working in not traditional fields of my career, I just simply enjoy what I do and I like what I do.
Melvin Lizano Araya
I develop myself as an specialist in geographical systems of information, consultant, leader of projects and training instructor. Commited with the interdisciplinarity and the values that define the company.
Mileiny Salazar Badilla
My name is Mileiney, i work at the area of commercial assesment. I am known for being responsible, efficient, self-demanding, helping, kind and charming. I like to believe in keeping a good relationship with our clients and identifying new business oportunities.
Valeria Villalobos Arias
I am Valeria, I develop myself in the administrative area in the company. I am a responsible, ordered, sympathethic and solidary person with much desire to learn every procedure necesary to improve in quality today and also in the future. Interested in growing with the company and helping to make positive results.
Eduardo Rojas Rodríguez
I am eduardo actually i am the systems analist of geographic information. An self-educated and obsesive-compulsive reader, i am always learning something new and applying a multitude of knowledge from different branches into my everyday, the interdisciplinary work is the way I develop myself better, I enjoy applying new and improved ways of doing things.