Data Intelligence

Through the application of different tools of quantitive and qualitative analysis, we may help you identify key oportunities for market strategies.

Through the application of different tools of quantitive and qualitative analysis, we may help you identify key oportunities for market strategies.

Markets Analysis and Clients:

Discover the social-economic characteristics of the population of your interest, determine data to collect and identify the geographic distribution of your clients, just like the location of new markets and optimization of provisioning to the actual markets. The results are analysed through stadistic and geostatistic techniques to determine the points of improvement in your processes taking into account the territory distribution of users and clients.

Evaluation of results and campaign impact:

Observe and analyse the geographic distribution of the results of a campaign, measure the investment of these results in the destination, evaluate the impact of such campaigns having always the territory as a determining factor.

Through the application of different tools of quantitive and qualitative analysis, we may help you identify key oportunities for market strategies.

Markets Analysis and Clients:

Discover the social-economic characteristics of the population of your interest, determine data to collect and identify the geographic distribution of your clients, just like the location of new markets and optimization of provisioning to the actual markets. The results are analysed through stadistic and geostatistic techniques to determine the points of improvement in your processes taking into account the territory distribution of users and clients.

Evaluation of results and campaign impact:

Observe and analyse the geographic distribution of the results of a campaign, measure the investment of these results in the destination, evaluate the impact of such campaigns having always the territory as a determining factor.

Cases of success

National Institute of Learning(INA)

An stadistical study was made in which it was involved the aplication of a poll to the graduated students of the INA. For this one it was used the spatial database management that allowed to capture the data of the population in their study and to contain the answers of the polls linked directly to a greographic position with the objective in which that Unity of Planification and Evaluation, develop studies of impact evaluation required.

Road Security Committe(COSEVI)

Studies were made for the evaluation of the campaigns "El Chasis sos vos(The chasis is you)" and "¿Porqué, la velocidad mata?(Why does velocity kill?)", with the end objective to evaluate the publicitary of the investment in the media, just as the recording and impact of these ones in their respective objective groups. The usage of analysis and distribution of the obtained results throught cartographic maps have allowed them to plannify the insertion in strategic places.

Institute of Technical Norms of Costa Rica(INTECO)

A study was made to evaluate the level of satisfaction of the users. It involved interviews directed to the final users of the services from the Costa Rican Institute of Railroads(INCOFER) and from operators and routes of major cabotage. The obtained data was handled with database, which allowed to maintain the information gathered in a georeferenced way, bringing about to the institution the ability to see the concentration and distribution of the characteristics of users or clientes rendered in cartographic maps.

  • “I truly like to have worked with such a good company as yours, young people, very honest, good workers, profesionals, fair with the personal in charge, educated"

    Eugenny Rodríguez
    Unidad de Planificación y Evaluación
    Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje

    “I truly like to have worked with such a good company as yours, young people, very honest, good workers, profesionals, fair with the personal in charge, educated”

    Eugenny Rodríguez
    Unidad de Planificación y Evaluación
    Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje